Erlis Wall

p If you are looking for David Bowie guitar chords, you've come to the right place. You can play David Bowie by Phish using guitar or guitar. This song by Phish can also be played by that instruments. =/p p David Bowie guitar chords has rhythm and included in Other Songs album. You can also find another musical genres, including jazz guitar chords, country music guitar chords, pop guitar chords, world music guitar chords, and rock guitar chords here. /p h3David Bowie by Phish Guitar Chords/h3 Music amp; lyrics by Trey AnastasiobrTranscription by Neil Berkman ( conventions:brbr/[1] Strike the string and bend it at the same time by the amount shown.brBend the string until the note changes by the specified number of steps.brFor example, if you see this over a note on the 3rd fret of the Ebrstring (a G), this sounds as an A (otherwise played 2 frets higher).brA bend of 1/2 is the same as a single fret (half step on the piano)brbr(10) Implied note on the indicated fret (10, in this case). This note is notbrplucked, but usually occurs when you release a bent string but stillbrlet the note ring.brbr/S Slide up to notebrbrS\ Slide down from notebrbrH Hammer on: hit the specified fret with a finger, but don't pick.brbrP Pull off: put your finger on the fret at the specified location beforebrpulling off another finger from another fret. Don't pick.brbrx Mute stringbrbrI've made no attempt to indicate timing, so you'll have to listen to abrrecording for that.brbr[B/Db] [Dbm7] [A] [B] brH H S\ H HbrbrprebrE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------brB -4---5----4--5---x-x-----x-2--x-4-x-x---4--5---4--5---x-x-----x-2--x-x-4-x--brG -4--(4)---4-(4)--x-x-----x-2--x-4-x-x---4-(4)--4-(4)--x-x-----x-2--x-x-4-x--brD -4---6----4--6---x-x-----x-2--x-4-x-x---4--6---4--6---x-x-----x-2--x-x-4-x--brA -4--(4)---4-(4)--x-x-----x-x--x-x-x-x---4-(4)--4-(4)--x-x-----x-2--x-x-4-x--brE ----------------------9------------------------------------9---------------- br/prebrDa- vid Bo-wie Da-vid Bo-wie brbrThis is played through a total of three times, then started a fourthbrtime. The fourth time is the same up the the point marked with a brand then:brbr[B] /S /S /SbrbrprebrE ----------------------------------------------------brB -x-4----------4-5-6-7----------------------4-5-6-7--brG -x-4--------4--------------2-----4-------4----------brD -x-4------4----------------2-----4-----4------------brA -x-2--4-6--------------2-4---4-6---5-6--------------brE ---------------------------------------------------- br/prebr[(] [#][)]brThe part within the parentheses is played a total of three times, thenbrstarted a fourth time, stopping at the point marked with a #brbr(Note: when you are playing the UB40 part, this is where it stopsbrparalleling the David Bowie part - don't worry about this until later).brbrNext, the first part is played through three more times, then startedbra fourth time and played up to the point marked with a , followed bybrwhat I think Trey amp; co. call the first interlude:brbrbrprebrE ---------------------------------7----------------brB -----------4-7-4-------------5-7---7-5------------brG ---------6-----------4-7---6-----------6-4--------brD -----4-7---------7-4-----7-----------------7-4----brA ---6-------------------------------------------7--brE -7------------------------------------------------ br/prebrbrAfter playing this, move the whole thing down 2 frets (so your pinkiebris on on the 5th fret) and play the same pattern. The next timebrthrough, again move it down 2 frets and play the same pattern, althoughbrthe fingering is a bit different since there are some open strings.brNext, move the whole thing up so that your pinkie is on the 13th fret,brthen down to the 11th fret, and finally down to the 9th fret.brbrNext, the guitar rests for two beats while the piano plays C# then A,brthen plays:brbrbrprebrE -------------------12--------------------brB -11----12-------13-------11-12-13-11-----brG ----11----12-13-------13-------------13--brD -----------------------------------------brA -----------------------------------------brE ----------------------------------------- br/prebr[(] [)]brA couple of notes on this: I play the first 6 notes with my ringbrfinger, moving it up from the 11th to 13th frets. Also, I cheat onbrthe part marked in parentheses, playing it like:brbrPbrbrprebrE ------------------brB ----11-13-11------brG -13----------13---brD ------------------brA ------------------brE ------------------ br/prebrbrNext, this whole pattern is moved up chromatically and played startingbron the 12th fret and again at the 13th fret. Then comes:brbrbrprebrE -------------------15--------------------------------------------brB -14----15-------16--------12-13-14-15--15-14-13-12--14-15-16-17--brG ----14----15-16-------16-----------------------------------------brD -----------------------------------------------------------------brA -----------------------------------------------------------------brE -----------------------------------------------------------------brE -----------------------------------------------------brB -17-16-15-14--16-17-18-19--19-18-17-16--18-19-20-21--brG -----------------------------------------------------brD -----------------------------------------------------brA -----------------------------------------------------brE ----------------------------------------------------- br/prebrbrThen comes a fast descending chromatic run:brbrbrprebrE -20-19-18-17--19-18-17-16--18-17-16-15--brB ----------------------------------------brG ---------------------------------------- etc...brD ----------------------------------------brA ----------------------------------------brE ---------------------------------------- br/prebrbrAnd so on until:brbrbrprebrE -10-9-8-7-----------------------------------------------brB ----------10-9-8-7--------------------------------------brG -------------------10-9-8-7-----------------------------brD ----------------------------10-9-8-7--------------------brA -------------------------------------10-9-8-7-----------brE ----------------------------------------------10-9-8-7-- br/prebrbrI'm not entirely sure about this last part, but it's close.brbrNext comes the UB40 part, which is exactly like the David Bowiebrpart except everything is moved up 3 frets. I put a note indicatingbrwhere the UB40 part stops paralleling the David Bowie part. Afterbrthat point comes the _really_ weird part (the second interlude). Thisbrpart is based on a long pattern that repeats in several positions, butbris not played all the way through in a couple of these positions:brbr/S /S HbrbrprebrE ------------------------------------------10--------------------------brB -----12-----10-----9-------------------11----11-----8--9--------------brG ---9----9------9------8--9--8--9--9-12----------12--8-(8)-8-----------brD -9--------9------9----9-10--9-10----------------------------11-10-11--brA ----------------------------------------------------------------------brE ---------------------------------------------------------------------- br/prebrbrP /S /SbrbrprebrE -----8-------------------------------------------------------------brB -7-9---9---10----10--11-(10)--12----------------------------12-12--brG ---------8--8----10--10--10---10---9-10---9-10--10-10-13-13--------brD -----------10----10--10--10---10--10-11--10-11---------------------brA -------------------------------------------------------------------brE ------------------------------------------------------------------- br/prebrbrbrH H [A] [B] /S /SbrbrprebrE ------------------5-5--7-7----------------brB -9-(10)--9-(10)---7-7--9-9----------------brG -9---9---9---9----7-7--9-9----------------brD ------------------7-7--9-9-------9--------brA ----------------------------9-11---11-13--brE ------------------------------------------ br/prebr[+] brAt this point, this whole pattern repeats with everything moved up 2brfrets (so the first note played is on the 11th rather than the 9thbrfret). Then, after the last slide from the 13th to the 15th fret, thebrfollowing is played, and then held for four beats:brbr[Ab] br[E] [-----] br[B] [-13--] br[G] [-13--] br[D] [-13--] br[A] [-----] br[E] [-----] brNext, the whole pattern is repeated 3 frets down from the originalbrposition (so the first note played is on the 6th rather than the 9thbrfret). The pattern is started again 2 frets up from this position (sobrthe first note is played on the 8th fret), but stops at the pointbrmarked with a . An E chord is then played and held for four beats:brbr[E] br[E] [----] br[B] [-9--] br[G] [-9--] br[D] [-9--] br[A] [-7--] br[E] [----] brbrNext, the whole pattern is started again 7 frets down from thebroriginal position (so the first note played is on the 2nd fret), untilbrthe point marked with a +. After that comes:brbr[G] [A] /SbrbrprebrE -3-3--0-0--------------9------------------------------------------------brB -3-3--2-2---------12-9---11-10-12-9-------------------------------------brG -0-0--2-2---------------------------9-12-9-11----9----11----------------brD -0-0--2-2------2------------------------------12---11----12-9-12-11-----brA -2-2--0-0--2-4------------------------------------------------------12--brE -3-3--------------------------------------------------------------------brE ------------------------------------------------------------------brB -13-10-12----10----12-9----10-9-----------------------------------brG ----------12----11------11------9-10----9---------10--------------brD -------------------------------------12---10-12-9----11-9-11-8----brA ---------------------------------------------------------------9--brE ------------------------------------------------------------------brE -----------------------------------------------12--brB -11----10------7-8--9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17--12--brG ----12-----7---7-8--9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17--12--brD -------------8-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18--14--brA ---------------------------------------------------brE --------------------------------------------------- br/prebrbrNext comes the jam, which is pretty much Em to D. Towards the end, itbrstarts alternating the Em to D part with a C to D to Em part:brbr[C] [D] [Em] [Em] [C] [D] [Em] [Em] [Em] [D] [Em] [D] [Em] [D] [Em][D]brI'm not sure how Phish decides when to kick into this part - when mybrold band played it, the bass player would just scream when he thoughtbrthe time was right. Anyway, after alternating these parts a fewbrtimes, Trey plays a pull-off pattern outlining the C, D, and Embrchords:brbrRe[C]peat 4x Re[D]peat 4x Re[Em]peat 8x Re[C]peat 4x Re[D]peat 4x Re[Em]peat 8xbrP P P P P PbrbrprebrE -15-12-------17-14-------19-15-------15-12-------17-14-------19-15-----brA -------13----------15----------17----------13----------15----------17--brG -----------------------------------------------------------------------brD -----------------------------------------------------------------------brA -----------------------------------------------------------------------brE ----------------------------------------------------------------------- br/prebrbrbrThis goes back and forth between this pattern and the Em to D part abrfew times, and then when Trey decides to end the jam, he plays thebrpull-off pattern up until the point marked with a , and then playsbrfour whole-step bends at the 22nd fret (so he's bending D up to E).brAnd finally:brbr-Repeat 4x-br[Em] [A] [B] brbrprebrE -----------------------------------------------------------------------brA ------x-x-x-2--4--4--5--4--5-------------------------------------------brG -0----x-x-x-2--4--4-(4)-4-(4)------------------------------------------brD -2----x-x-x-2--4--4--6--4--6-------------------------------------------brA -2----------------4-(4)-4-(4)------------------------------------------brE -0--------------------------------------------------------------------- br/prebrdrum brfillbrbrThe fourth time the B chord marked with a is played, I think Treybrtoggles his pickup selector switch.brbrThat's about it, I'd appreciate any comments or p If you want to learn Phish David Bowie guitar chords, The 5 chords we'll look at are the C major, A major, G major, E major, and D major. The reason we use all major chords is that the minor versions of any of these chords just require tiny adjustments. Each one of those minor chords is completely based on its major counterpart /p p The more you practice, the easier guitar will feel to play David Bowie. Guitar is hard to learn in the beginning, but gets easier the longer you stick with it. /p